Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - The (very) Simple Edition

Hello all!  Happy LATE Menu Plan Monday!  A trip to the ER with our little buddy last night left me without time to post.  Unfortunately, he has a little cold that settled into his lungs and resulted in a nasty respiratory (asthma-like) attack (they won't call it asthma yet).  Unfortunately, it looks like we may be adding asthma to his list of challenges - there is lots of reasearch that ties eczema and asthma together, so it is not surprising.  All the more reason to proactively prvent the eczema through elimnation of the foods of which he is intolerant with the hope that it minimizes the impact of asthma on his life!

That being said, my menu plan this week is extremely simple - I am cleaning out the pantry and will be out of town all next week, so I will be back in action with solid plans for you the week thereafter!  In the meantime, in relation to children and food, I will be participating in a conversation via Twitter tomorrow evening regarding food dyes and safe food for our children.  I believe the more educated we are, the more we can do to take action to prevent our children's children from dealing with all of the food issues that we face today.  If we educate ourselves and our children appropriately, we will all be better of for it for every generation beyond.  Join me and hundreds of others tomorrow night!  Click here for more information!

Monday:  Variation on Chicken with White Beans and Tomatoes (I used some jarred roasted red peppers, chopped up and mixed with the beans, instead of the tomatoes).

Tuesday and Wednesday:  Hubby and I will be switching nights out, so we will each have Trader Joe's roasted vegetable enchiladas (bake right from the freezer, SO YUMMY!) and I will make pasta or rice for the little guy with turkey meatballs
tip:  bake toddler bite-sized mini turkey or beef meatballs in advance and keep them in the fridge or freezer - they are awesome in so many dishes!

Thursday:  Pizza night!

Friday:  Off to Milwaukee to visit family for the week!

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