After a whirlwind couple of weeks, I am back to menu planning. We listed an sold our house in a matter of days and now we are on the hunt for our "dream home" - meaning the one with some of our "wish list" characteristics and one that we can see ourselves raising our kids in for the long haul. It is a difficult and sometimes emotional process but we are so excited!
As you know, I am very disciplined with our menu planning. When that went out the window the past two weeks, I learned three things. First, it is very challenging to feed a child with food allergies well-rounded meals without a plan. Two, I eat a LOT more junk food without a plan and three, I spend a LOT more money at the grocery store without a plan. Overall, it reminded me just how critical a plan is for my family, and it also reminded me that this is why so many busy American parents feel so overwhelmed by the thought of feeding their families healthy meals at the dinner hour! A plan makes things so much easier. If you have not tried it yet, I encourage you to use my plans (or a version of my plans) for 4-5 weeks (it takes that long to get into the swing of things with it and to build the habit)! I assure you, you will find yourself so much less stressed at mealtime... and with some extra cash in your pocket to save for a rainy day (bonus)!!
Here is my menu plan for this week:
Monday: Bean burgers with kale chips and raw veggies
Tuesday: Kid-friendly Jambalaya with a side of green beans
Wednesday: Black Bean Sweet Potato Quesadillas
Thursday: Quinoa with Chicken and Broccoli
(I found this recipe by signing up for the Cooking Traditional Foods' free newsletter here - she will send you a free sample of their budget menu mailer when you sign up. I subscribed to her menu mailers when I was first learning traditional foods techniques, these are a wonderful resource!)
Friday: Leftovers and/or whatever is in the fridge
Saturday: Pork Tenderloin with Vegetable and Roasted Potatoes
Sunday: Breakfast for dinner (pancakes/sausage/fruit)
Good luck searching for your dream home! Thanks for the menu tips! :)